
Information about the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) in other languages




Tokyo Multilingual Consultation Navi

東京多言語相談ナビ | 東京都多文化共生ポータルサイト (tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp)




厚生労働省 外国語の新型コロナワクチンの予診票等(Translations of Prevaccination Screening Questionnaire for COVID-19 vaccine)

外国語の新型コロナワクチンの予診票等|厚生労働省 (mhlw.go.jp)





新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種特設ページ/町田市ホームページ (city.machida.tokyo.jp)




NHK WORLD-JAPANでは、新型コロナウイルスワクチンの注射の情報を18の外国のことばで見ることができます。





厚生労働省 外国人労働者向け相談サイト(多言語)

Telephone Consultation Service for Foreign Workers





法務省 新型コロナウィルス感染症関連情報

 We share information about the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Ministry of Justice.




東京都新型コロナウイルス感染症対策サイト (Tokyo COVID-19 Task Force website)

Tokyo COVID-19 Task Force website






The information about the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) of Machida city





新型(しんがた)コロナウイルスの 日本語(にほんご)以外(いがい)の 言葉(ことば)と やさしいにほんごの 情報(じょうほう)を 集めました(あつめました)。

We share information about the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) in other languages and Easy Japanese.





The site below leads you to COVID-19 Countermeasure Support Cards in 8 foreign languages.

(English, Vietnamese, Filipino or Pilipino, Portuguese, Hindi, Mongolian, Spanish, Arabic)

In these days various countermeasures by the Japanese government and local governments are announced to support your daily life and business activities in difficult situation caused by the Covid-19.

These cards are divided into two (one is for family and the other for business corporation) and may serve you as an introduction for access to those services.

If you have any difficulty in understanding its contents, you can call 0120-279-338 (free call) and push the number 2.Then you can ask in English, Tagalog, Portuguese, Spanish or Vietnamese.

You can also ask Tokyo Coronavirus Support Center for Foreign Residents (maintained by Tokyo Metropolitan Government)about its public supports by calling 0120-296-004 (free call) in English, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Nepali, Indonesian, French, Khmer or Burmese.  

We sincerely hope these supports will ease difficulties in your life or business activities caused by the Covid-19.






We share information about the New Coronavirus Multilingual Consultation Center

● 新型コロナウイルス多言語相談センター:(URL) https://www.facebook.com/tagengosoudan/

また、日本国内の新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する最新の報道については、NHK WORLDのHPで確認するこ とができます。
● NHK WORLD:(URL)https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/information/202004020600/?cid=